Saturday, November 15, 2008

Closure - Going Home

Not very often have we met
And the music's been too bad
Happiness can only be sensed when the music is sad
Thus I'm going home
Going home alone
We're too old to make a mess...
But old enough to stress...

Yes, I am going home
Where a life goes on
And our lives go on

Adapted from "Going Home" By Sophie Zelmani

I first heard Faye's version of the song and love it immediately. A quiet and comfortable song that will provoke a lot of thoughts and memories. I always thought the tune gave people a kind of warmth that one gets during a rainy day. Faye sang the Chinese and Cantonese cover of the song. It is perhaps the first song which I love all versions of the lyrics.

王菲 - 乘客

高架橋過去了 路口還有好多個
這旅途不曲折 一轉眼就到了
坐你開的車 聽你聽的歌

第一盞路燈開了 你在想什麼
歌聲好快樂 那歌手結婚了
坐你開的車 聽你聽的歌

白雲蒼白色 藍天灰藍色
我是這部車 第一個乘客

天空血紅色 星星灰銀色

Yes I'm going home I must hurry home
Where your life goes on
So I'm going home

Going home alone
And your life goes on

王菲- 花事了

趁笑容在面上 就讓余情懸心上
世界大生命長 不只與你分享

讓我感謝你 贈我空歡喜 

和你暫別又何妨 音樂正歡樂
你叫我寂寞 怎么襯這音樂

是我想睡了 受不起打擾 

是我安定了 幸福的騷擾 

是我懂事了 什么都不曉 

若說花事了 幸福知多少 

Yes I'm going home
I must hurry home
Where your life goes on

So I'm going home
Going home alone

And your Life goes on

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