Tuesday, March 20, 2012

If I were Warhol – Ayam Brand Sardines

Attention, Pop art lovers! Marina Bay Sands’ ArtScience Museum is bringing in Andy Warhol artwork to Singapore.

The exhibition titled Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal features over 260 paintings, drawings, sculptures, film and video. Well, no sure whether I should go or not as no photography or videography allowed.

On a side note, I read that a Singaporean visual artist Jahan Loh painted a tongue-in-cheek version of Warhol’s famous Campbell Soup can - The Luncheon Meat Can. His painting will also go on display.

He told ChannelNewsAsia that:

"I chose a very common reference point which is canned food. It's clearly a tongue in cheek poke at Andy Warhol's Campbell's soup, but contextualised within our Singaporean, Asian context. Certain similarities are deliberate, but other things are very different if you look carefully. I think maybe Andy Warhol would have painted luncheon meat if he'd tasted it."

Well, I thought I can create digital version of tongue-in-cheek Warhol’s can painting too. I dedicate the following graphics to my Mum. It is her favourite can food – The Ayam Brand Sardines.

It’s quite interesting isn’t it? Maybe I will start doing a series of Warhol’s Can Photosophize style.

Well, here is episode one – The Ayam Brand Sardines can.

ayambrandsardines1 ayam brand sardines 2 ayam brand sardines 3 ayam brand sardines 4

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