Sunday, January 11, 2009

Recipes for Chinese New Year Goodies!

Chinese New Year is just around the corner! It is time again for Spring Cleaning, Food Hoarding, Bingeing and Gambling etc! Ahem~

Ok on a serious note, perhaps you can do something new this year like making your own Chinese New Year Goodies. Here are some of the recipes which I have posted.
New~ Almond Cream Cheese Cookies - 玉仁酥

Amidst every mouthful of cookies eludes subtle almond fragrance which complimentd very well with the unique cream cheese flavour. I especially like the crumbier texture which is almost like a saltier version of butter cookies! Recipe here.
Honey Cone - 蜜蜂窝

I love to make them for Chinese New Year – which reminds me that I should start work soon. Unlike those in the market, those which I made are modified new flavours. It is actually the fried version of love letters. Click here for recipe.

Cookies - 曲奇(pronouned in Cantonese)

Instead of buying them outside and not know what goes into them, you can bake cookies at home. They are quite easy to made and only requires M&M - measure and mix. Click here for the recipe.

Other Chinese New Year's Reads:

More Photosophize's Recipes can be found under My Kitchen label.


Jeremy said...

Hmm, cookies!

I will bookmark your site and try the receipes.

Photosophize [ 影.像.物语 ] said...

Thanks! Wei Qiang!