Friday, April 9, 2010

Part One - How Cheap are Things in Batam ?

In Singapore, having 10% discounts are common. 20% off are considered good deal. 30% are hard to find but existed. 50% off is worth half-day leave and anything beyond that might just attracted a stampede.

However over at Batam., I saw something amazing. Something almost unheard of. Ok, it was post-Chirstmas, but then again do they have to sell Christmas ornaments at such a low price?

In the first instance, shop offering 75% discount is almost unheard of.

Then they went over the top by adding another 20% discount on top of the 75% off...

*Drop Jaw*

How much is it eventually? I lost count... I can only say the price is almost negligible when converted to Sing dollars...

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