Saturday, May 31, 2008
我不记得自己是否让他可以直呼我的名字, 但是发现他只直呼我和另一位职位不高的同事的名字,但对高职位的人竟然毕恭毕敬的尊称他们。今天问他为什么这样分别的时候, 他尴尬的笑着说自己可能忘了, 以后会注意。。。(是吗,这种事你会忘?想吐,这理由太恶心。)
另一个更行,在大人们面前委屈可怜的样子, 在人后酸溜溜的对同伴们强调自己没办法去,可是和同伴们谈天说地的时候,又不见那委屈样。之后到了那里竟然开心的玩乐,完全不见先前委屈求全的样子。不是落难吗?又会那么开心吗?
我对这种虚伪,见高就拜,见底就踩的人完全没有好感, 而且对他们要更加防备!人根本就不应该这样。就算你今天成就再高,才艺再好,你对人不诚恳, 你也不过是小人一个。能有多大的作为,多大成就?唾弃!
有了权利,就有更大的责任感。在管教和教导别人的时候,我从他们身上看到了自己好多的弊病, 突然间也很在意自己是否像他们一样。我对自己某些行为感到非常惭愧和内疚。 我不是不想改进,但有时候是无意的和力不从心的。
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Andy Wahol's work in Singapore !
Why is he so famous you asked? Well, he re-defined and popularised comtempory art by using social icons such as famous people and common American products such campbells' soup can. (Afraid of getting sued for pasting the picture here).
Good news for those who are keen on his work or wanted to view them ! A local gallery located near Bukit Merah has bought in some of his work. Besides selling art pieces, the gallery also hold talks and visits for art students and the public. There is a talk about Andy Wahol's work this Sunday (first of June). If you are interested, visit their website below for more details.
I feel like visiting the gallery to get some creative ideas though... :)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Opening Soon - Photosophize Cafe
But been thinking, isn't life like that? Sometimes you do not neccessary do what you do best/like to do isn't it? I like to sing, but I am not a singer etc...
Here are some of my creations which I have cooked over weeks (not in one sitting), but didn't managed to post them. They are inspired by Gordon Ramsley and Jamie Oliver. Am thinking that Chef Ramsley would probably will scold me to death to serve these kind of food. Hee Hee.
Warm Italian Salad - Grilled Eggplant, Zuccini with Salad Leaves and Cherry Tomato dressed with Balsamic Olive Oil Vinegrette. Topped with Gouda Cheese. (will improve on the presentation)
Scallop seared in high heat with lettuce leaves dressed with Balsamic Olive Oil Vingrette
Angel Hair in Cream Sauce with Aparagus, Bacon and Oyster (Need to be perfected still... Taste weird)
Grilled Salmon on a Bed of Salad Leaves.
So what do you all think? Can I opened a cafe already? I think I took good pictures, but taste needs to be improve further.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
王菲唱了!Not for Live Nation, but for a good cause. I applause for her!!!
台湾也举办了一场筹款晚会。费玉清小哥自己也捐了五十万人民币。有位善心人士也出了一百万美金点他唱一曲 - 爱心。
好久没出现的小燕姐也出来了,平常王不见王的主持大哥们,当红歌手们都为了赈灾放下了避忌, 同台演出。
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Weakling. I am. Bullied by people younger than me. In the end, I was wrong and they who have erred, ganged up to boycott and ignored me. It doesn't bother me much, but I just feel wronged. Very wronged. When chipped, they didn't feel that they are in wrong but what I am. Imagine them having the mentality that all the wrong doings are right since the rest of them does it and no one find out about it. They who have told to respect me, continued to defy me in their devilish many little ways. Despite all the scoldings and reminding, I am still nothing in their eyes.
I am not even craving for their attention. I am not even asking them to bootlick me. It just plain respect I am asking for and they could not do it sincerely. I start to wonder if they could not have understand English or really they just could not accept the fact that they have to respect me. It's ME. One who hold junior post in the company, one could be addressed by name instead of mdm, one whose work has no importance and can be dragged.
People... It is just astonishing how fast they learnt to be "pragmatic" ... Should get them to watch于旦's 论语心得before coming in !
Monday, May 19, 2008
Count Our Blessings
Suddenly, a freak typhoon destoryed everything in its path in Myammar, including thousands of lives . An unexpected earthquake crumpled towns and villages in Sichuan, burying thousands and thousands people along with it. Horrific scenes flooded the news in recent weeks and there are a lot of people are suffering in countries around us.
Nearer to home, I heard several sad tales from my friend about her neighbours yesterday...
- Neighbour 1 could not afford proper food except white bread. She had told my friend's mum that she was sick of the plain white bread, thus bought a packet of salt so that she could flavour the bread with it. That neighbour was in such a pathetic mode that she would soon could not afford to buy bread even.
- Neighbour 2 was even poorer. He couldn't even afford bread and have to resort to taking fruits meants for prayers to eat.
- Neighbour 3 had stroke and had mobility problem. He would beg people who pass-by his flat for some packets of coffee powders and food.
Compared to the people above, we are very lucky. I feel that sometimes our "suffereing" seems petty and a lot of times self-inflicted. Like people above couldn't even afford proper food every day and yet there were some others who complaint about the wrong things on raising food costs, like how they could not afford branded bread, Haagen Das Ice Cream, Imported Biscults etc anymore. Those people have forgotten that those are wants and not needs.
We are lucky that we have a flat to live in at the very least, we still have a job and can buy whatever we want on a whim (I still fall short of that.), we still can afford to chose where to eat lunch, and for some, they troubled over whether it is more worth it to buy a Gucci or LV bag...
Before we complaint about life, stop and count our blessings, my friends. We already have a lot than most people...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
New Look !!!
I wasn't very happy with the look of the blog and is about to have identity crisis, until I found this template from Geoko and Fly! I fall in love with it immediately. I feel that it matches part of Photosophize image - Natural Loving.
I am still doing some amendments here and there, thus do not be surprise if you come in and see a weird layout. In fact, it took me a week to figure out how to post the template online and 4 hours more to customerise the look now.
Worse, after spending so much time, the template was not XML competible. I actually have to code a lot of things manually if I wanted to add in new components. Well, at least I got a unique looking blog now.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Geylang Bahru - Hong Mei Western Delights (Delicious)
Usually, they only put sauce on their grilled meats, but you can request Aunty to give you some sauce for the fried food, such as Chicken Cutlet. However, do ask nicely... You know, they are very busy, she might not answer you in a nice tone. Be careful. Hee Hee.
I also want to highlight that their fish and chip is also different from normal western food stall. I think theirs have more fish meat and the crust tasted nicer. Go try and let me know if you like them, but don't tell too many people about it. We don't want to wait too long for good food isn't it? So sshhh... ;P
I never know Faye sang these songs before... 80
Kiss Me - Six Pence None The Richer
邓丽君 - 泪的小雨
邓丽君 - 不了情 和 小城故事
What's Up
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Tuk Tuk Thai Kitchen - Happy Mothers' Day
They have a lot of dishes and we ordered a few that we like. Fried Fish with Thai Chili Sauce ( promotional price $10++), Green Curry, Fried Kai Lan, Pad Thai, Pineapple Rice etc. Think hunger took over us that I forget to take pictures before we dug in. I must say the Fried Fish is quite good. Depsite being promotional item at 10 dollars ++, the fish was in a good size. It was crispy fried to golden brown and the tangy hot sauce (not enough spicy in our view) was good accompaniment. In fact, it was our favourite dish.
Their green curry was not bad too. Very aromatic like it is packed to the brim with thai spices and most importantly it is not that oily.
Besides the above, their thai otak (4 for $10.90)was not good. It was served cold and texture wasn't as smooth and fluffy as thai otak should be. The thai spices flavour did not come out as strongly as it should be.
Verdict - Prices of their ala carte dishes are quite reasonable. Food is generally not bad and very value for money. Their white rice was 80 cents per serving and serving size is huge despite the recent price hike. I was surprised that promotional items food came in a good portion and size. Our favourite dishes were the Fried Fish and Crab Tanghoon (when cooked). The restuarant might want to improve on the temperature of the dishes served. It is very important to serve food warm to customers. Service is acceptable.
Will we go back? Overall, we did enjoy the food. My mum and fussy brothers were satisfied. For me, erm, just don't sound like you are hardselling things to me, I will probably enjoy the food better. :)
To all Mothers out there - Happy Mothers' Day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
名与利 - 得与失
整部论语中,我对以下这一段感慨良多。于丹教授说到古时的教育和现代的教育观念非常不一样。古时候的社会比较单纯简单,教育着重于教导学生做人道理和灌输他们正确价值观,认为有了这些观念就可以担当起社会责任, 为国家出一份力。所以有那么一句话 - “修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下”意思是人只要认真的把自己的修养提高, 把家里的事都安顿得有条有理, 才能有本事管理国家,因而平复天下。
我觉得现代的社会比较虚荣和现实, 教育着重于技能的训练(maths,science, accountancy, engineering etc are skills) 而比较不在意道德和价值观的灌输。我觉得这点很有道理。 新加坡的教育和社会就是这样, 不是说不好,有些时候觉得会太过现实,会过分得把很多东西和名与利挂钩,不经意提倡和提高他们的重要性。小孩子读书就是为了将来有能力赚大钱,将来在社会上做个有头有脸的人等等, 似乎把名与利与幸福人生花上了等号。。。
过分地把很多东西和名与利挂钩, 会让人用名利的得失来衡量自己的本事和能力。现在很多跨国企业和本地公司都已金钱回报员工,希望他们为了金钱而努力。今天你可能是一个很努力的员工,不仅把自己分内的工作做完, 还每天想方设法求进步,希望这样就是一位好员工,就能够得到满意的回报。可惜,老板却没有给你应有的回报。人就开始觉得自己或许不是一个好员工, 甚至于开始怀疑自己的能力和本事,沮丧伤心等等。其实,那员工不一定不好,可是因为利与工作表现挂钩了,很现实的衡量人的能力和本事(注:不一定正确),没有得到满意的回报时候, 觉得自己差强人意而失望。
试问这样现象健康吗?它伤了不知多少“痴男怨女们”的心,但是无可否认的,以目前现实的社会制度来讲, 这或许是其中较“公平”的方法。
所以,我还是矛盾,打不开心理的枷锁。 我现在好像在过渡思想的叛逆期,不太能够接受社会的游戏规则和道理,想要豁达,却越来越小气。我并非没有度量,而是觉得人在伤害别人之前,并没有想过和考虑别人即将承受的痛,所以我们在他们悔改之前,为什么不可以让他们感受我们所受过的伤害呢?怎么说算了就算了呢?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
于丹 - 论语心得
There are still many more from idealogy from the video including how to be a better person etc. I will pick out the more interesting ones to share it here. In the meantime, if you feel empty about your life, go look for the DVD, you might be able to fill up your empty soul with it.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The World Biggest Sotong - 495kg...
Read this off Channel News Asia website yesterday. The World Biggest Sotong (as we affectionaly call it in Singapore the Malay word for Squid) was caught off Antartic waters and is now in New Zealand with a team of scientists waiting to unveal the mysteries of the big creature.
Photo copied from their official blog named Te Papa
Look at the size of that Sotong... Imagine how many plates of sotong balachan or calamari we can make from it. Hahah... Anyway, just to let you know, sea creature this size cannot be eaten because in order to stay afloat, their body will accumulate a lot of ammonia. Even without ammonia, big sea creatures also accumulate a lot more mecury than smaller fish, so they are not fit for human consumption.
The scientific term of that Sotong is Colossal Squid. They lived in deep waters and usually feed on toothfish (which is another big big fish). The one which was caught was about 495kg and the exact lenght has to be measured later when it was fully thawed. Guess what eats them? Bigger creatures of course like Sperm Whales ! As written in their blog, the captured Colossal Squid is a female as they just found eggs in her ovaries. Her eye ball was supposely to be the size of a beach ball. Scarier thing is that they have hooks on their tenticles. Imagine you got caught by this creature... You are never going to get away.
Little is known about this creature as few were caught so far. This batch of scientists decided to find out as much as they can about the creature, before preserving it in a large tank for public viewing later. The process of thawing can be viewed on their website now through the web cam. Discovery Channel has also documented the whole process and will be showing it later in 2008.
Visit their websites at:
Live Nation Wants Faye !
Especially, Asian people are very prone of not telling/not communicating properly to others what they wanted because of our teachings from young that we might be seen as impolite if we demand too much. I am not saying that everyone of us should demand a lot of things and start being arrogant, but to at least let people know where is your limit and what is your minimum requirements. It will make things a lot easier.