Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Les Choristes (The Chorus)

This is one of my favourite french movie. I don't understand french, but I love to watch French movie. I find the plots creative but simple and usually has very interesting twist in the story. For this movie, I especially love the touching les avions en papier (paper plane) scene and of course the angelic voice of Jean-Baptiste Maunier.

Trailer of Les Choristes

Les Avions En Papier Scene

Cerf Volant

Monday, July 30, 2007


有人曾经告诉我金鱼儿只有三秒钟的记忆力。它们不会认人,也不会跟主人互动,建立感情。 那人错了,至少我家的金鱼不是这样。

我家养了十几只金鱼(其实我数不到有多少只金鱼)。它们都不是名贵的品种,而是普通 一包$2的鱼苗养大的。 卖的人说它们是二等鱼,是拿来喂罗汉鱼的。我听了有点生气和心痛。鱼也是有生命的,就因为它们不是优良品种就该当垃圾随便处理掉吗?从那次起,我如果要买鱼的话,我都会选“二等”金鱼。因为 我觉得“二等”金鱼也应该有被人饲养和宠爱的权力,而不是一生下来就注定被丑丑的罗汉吃掉。


记得有天晚上,我和平时一样在上网。在客厅的弟弟突然大叫一声:“阿!有鱼在地上,死掉了。 。。” 我的心一沉,连忙跑出去看是那一条金鱼跳了出来,没被发现死在地上。




小竹是我鱼缸里最老的鱼。我不太记得几时开始养它的,但是算一算至少有4年或更多。 它也是鱼缸里最大的金鱼。



我总觉得我家的金鱼会认人。我每天一起床,第一件事就会喂金鱼。久而久之,我发现它们会在我起床差不多的时间聚集。等我一靠近鱼缸,它们就会很兴奋的游来游 去,等我喂它们。甚至于我随时只要一靠近鱼缸,它们就很兴奋等吃。

也不知道是不是贪吃的关系,现在谁靠近鱼缸,它们也会很兴奋的要吃的。 我不知道这是正常的反应吗,但是我到朋友家,它们的金鱼都不会这样。或许是我们家人杰地灵吧。。。

Friday, July 27, 2007





Breakfast at Tiffany

我不是在指Audrey Hepburn的怀旧电影,而是这漂亮珍珠手链散发出的感觉有种高贵气质。没有词可以表达我的感受,我深感谢意。

Monday, July 23, 2007

300g for $10.63

This picture was taken few months back. I was planning to buy some mincemeat to cook Spaghetti. I had a shock when I saw the price... Wah, did GST raise early? But how can 300g of meat cost $10? It turned out to be a human error. It was weigh and labelled as Cod Steak...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Chocolate Fondue (Recipe Included)

Haagen Dazs. We ordered chocolate fondue which cost $59.90 (excluding GST). I wasn't very keen to order it, but since the others never tried it before, I agreed to join in .

Frankly speaking, I can make a huge pot of chocolate fondue with loads and loads of fruits with that money...

To make your own chocolate fondue at home, you will need :

  • Baking Chocolates Bar or chips

  • Whipping Cream (Comes in packet and is not those pre-whipped can ones. You can use heavy cream as well, but whipping cream contain less fat) Use just enough to cover the some of the chocolates

  • Serve with fruits like Strawberries, Apples, Bananas, marshmellows etc.


  1. Place the chocolates in a bowl. If using bar, break them into smaller pieces.

  2. Pour the whipping cream into the bowl. Do not use too much as the sauce will be come too runny. Suggest to pour just enough amount to cover the chocolates. More can be added if the mixture is too thick.

  3. Microwave it for 2 mins

  4. Take out and mix well.

  5. To serve, please the bowl over hot water to prevent the chocolate sauce to set. Prepare lots of satay sticks to skew the fruits.

Cheap and Good.

One Night @ Clarke Quay

Part two of the night was more interesting. I never know Singapore can be that rowdy and interesting. There were a lot pubs and restaurants along the sides of Singapore river. Each has their own attractions like exotic cuisine, live bands, themed pubs. Loud techno-music can be heard along the street.

Although, it is almost like 11 pm when we reached there. There were still a lot of people, walking around, chatting, drinking and of course smoking (outside). I managed to take a few pictures of those interesting pubs and they don’t come easy. A lot of them, which I did not manage to take, have very fierce looking bouncers guarding. (Funny, how come security guards at shopping centres are never as intimidating as them…)

First we see Hooters. I didn't manage to see the Hooters girls, but I read somewhere that they are dressed in shorts (very very short shorts) and skimpy tank top. The menu is printed on the tanks top near their chest. They move around in skates or something. Is it really so?

Fashion Bar - I guess this is where to see and be seen. The decor is very chic and reminds me of an Armani dress. A place where I imagine Ugly Betty's Amanda and Marc will hang out after work.

Not that there is a sickbay or 24-hour clinic at Clarke Quay. This is the most talk about clinic pub! Drinks are served in packets of drips hanged high and you will have to suck them from a long tube. Hospital screens separate one table from another. Seats modified from hospital bed look comfortable enough. I hope all of the equipments are new and have been sterilised. I think it should be the place to hang out at the moment judging by the number of people they have.

Almost all of the pubs are unique except the Middle-East theme ones. All of them have these water-pipe apparatus outside their place. I tell you, they are tourist attractors. We happen to sit outside next to a Turkish restaurant (see my next entries on where we settled finally...).

A couple next to our table ordered a puff. The Turkish looking waiter came back with the favoured tobacco and placed it on the apparatus. The top was wrapped with aluminium foil. He poked it with a strange looking tongs that has an ice picker attached to it. Then he placed small pieces of red-hot charcoal on top of the aluminium. Done.

It is not very hygienic. Although, they will provide individual wrapped plastic disposable mouthpiece, the head was not cleaned or sterilised for the next user. It was left on the floor and the plastic mouthpiece from the previous user was still attached to it. However, the young couple (look Singaporean to me) was happily puffing away after replacing the mouthpiece.

The smell of the waterpipe was nicer than cigarettes. It is a bit similar to sandalwood - sweet and musky. Anyway, it is as potent as cigarettes. I had a headache after sitting next to them for almost one hour.

While chatting away, the music at the Turkish restaurant became louder. Out came a sexy belly dancer swaying her hips. The dancer is quite professional. Despite the strenuous dance movements, she maintain her bright smile. Picture below was showing her trying to balance her sword while swaying her hips. The music played is hot. Should be good for gym session.

Of course, there are many more interesting places that I have not managed to take picture. For example, the legendary Ministry of Sound (MOS) that queue and crowds never seems to end. The other place where the queue is equally long is .... the Taxi stand.


Saturday, July 21, 2007


昨天参加了朋友在永春园的婚宴。许多好久不见的同学们也出席了. 大家的样子都没有很大的变化, 但是感觉上每个人都些许的成熟和稳重了.一阵的寒暄过后,大家就开始玩闹说笑起来和读书时没两样。那批男生们更是先后比“冷”,讲一些无哩头的“冷笑话”,互相损来损去的。


虽然,这不是一个很豪华的婚礼,也没有隆重的场面,但是却温馨无比。 看到朋友穿着婚纱站在门口道谢,我不禁想起我们真的是大人了,开始老了。

难得人都齐,所以婚宴过后,我们一班同学就前往Clarke Quay 继续叙旧! 那里好多新奇的玩意儿. 我都有拍下. 静待吧!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

卡姆亚 - 领养羚羊的母狮

傍晚在看动物星球频道时,我看到一个非常奇妙的故事。 那故事验证了世界上真的有奇迹这回事。。。




萨芭错了。她在找到卡姆亚时,它和小羚羊已经相处了两个礼拜。 两只动物相处得非常和睦,但是身体都瘦小,看起来虚弱。 萨芭看到的卡姆亚是瘦骨如材,它的腹部更明显的凹了进去。原来它已经有两个礼拜没捕猎了(正常的狮子每隔3或4天就得吃一次)。据管理员说卡姆亚士曾经想要去捕抓小山猪吃,但是因为小羚羊走远了,离开了它的视线。卡姆亚担心了起来,放弃了食物,转追小羚羊。


其实,照常理来说狮子和羚羊本应该是敌对的。卡姆亚大可以因为肚子而把小羚羊吃掉。它不但没有这么做,还因为要和小羚羊在一起, 情愿忍着饥饿。在一旁观察的萨芭还看到了两只动物之间的奇妙关系温馨的画面,让人惊叹。小羚羊虽然渴望回到群中,但对卡姆亚也有深厚的感情。萨芭不时会看到小羚羊抿着卡姆亚士的耳朵,或是鼻子对鼻子的等亲密动作。 两只动物更是一起到水洞喝水,卡姆亚会保护小羚羊,似乎成为了小羚羊的保姆。

这奇妙的故事传遍了当地,卡姆亚更成为游客必看的奇景。甚至于当地的土人还特地邀请萨芭把画面播放给他们村子里的人观看,因为他们有一段相似的祖传故事。受到了关注,人们也开始关心卡姆亚和小羚羊的健康了。 虽然,管理员有尝试要喂卡姆亚,但它始终不为所动。知道故事的人都觉得奇妙和被它的真诚给打动了,到底是为了什么,让它对小羚羊有那么深厚的感情呢?

可惜,故事的结局有些凄凉。 一天,卡姆亚正在休息,小羚羊和往常一样的在草丛里觅食。虽然还小的羚羊并不可以消化草叶,但是为了充饥,小羚羊会不时的吃一些来解饿。 突然间,草丛里出现了一只雄狮子,把小羚羊给叼走了。卡姆亚一听到了小羚羊的呼叫声连忙跟上。

狮子的舌头曾经是的梳洗工具和熟悉巨大的牙齿虽然尖锐但却从未伤害过自己,但如今却变成杀死自己的凶器, 小羚羊这时的恐惧和无奈可想而知。卡姆亚看到小羚羊时,它已经快没生气。由于雄狮太壮了,卡姆亚没办法抵抗它,把小羚羊救走。它只好在一旁看着雄狮把小羚羊吃掉。 它的神情带着悲伤,似乎像是自己的小狮子被雄狮子吃掉一样痛苦。


小羚羊离开世界的第二天,卡姆亚士开始进食。 但是,卡姆亚似乎没放弃自己奇怪的习惯。它在小羚羊离世后,先后“领养”了五只小羚羊,但都没有好结果。





记得有次吃西餐的时候,发现煎蛋竟然有两颗蛋黄。 在场的同事说我幸运了,那么千载难逢的都可以遇到 (但其实也浪费,因为我不吃蛋黄。)。 但是我突然感到内疚, 如果我不吃它, 它会不会被孵化成双胞胎? 其实想想,鸡有双胞胎的吗? 就是一颗鸡蛋里会孵出两只小鸡吗? 蛋够大装两只小鸡吗?


Tuesday, July 17, 2007



什么都不想 什么都不管的
只有我和脚车 开心的在路上


出了小路 五光十色的马路

停下 心疲力尽 没到尽头


自从脚车不见之后,我开始学习新的玩意儿- 驾真车!老师一直说我爱驾快快,踩油声像飞机, 而且不太会换档,一档驾到底有如在坐MRT… 然后车身一直都歪来歪去,像坐船坐久会晕。我其实觉得还好吧。我想看车可以走多快,想从新感受“风吹过脸上的感触”。。。(好啦,我承认在找借口驾快快。:P)


Effects of Global Warming

Some years back in April, I was amazed by the “Sakura” tree near my office. It looked magnificent as it was fully covered with pink flowers. By evening, it will rain down flowers petal which is so romantic. This year, I was waiting enthusiastically for the flowers to bloom. However, due to the influence of the La Nina, there were not many flowers on the tree. So disappointed… We should really look at global warming issue seriously.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

What Is Perseverance? 越冷越发芽 - 坚韧不拔

Despite living in the harshest condition, in my fridge's vege compartment (cold and dark for weeks), the carrot insisted in living to the fullest - It sprouted.

它虽然遇到了对它不利的环境和条件,但它没放弃。它坚持要越冷越发芽给所有人看,证明自己坚韧不拔。我自叹自己不如它。。。让我们向它看齐吧, 一起越冷越开花!